In this shortcut keys in excel tutorial, we will learn popular keyboard shortcuts used with the excel. Using a keyboard shortcut helps the user to work in excel more efficiently. Keyboard shortcut keys speed up our work. Microsoft Excel has
IFERROR Function in Excel
IFERROR Function in Excel: We will learn about syntax and how to use iferror function in Excel with examples. Description: The Function returns a custom value when a function generates an error, otherwise, it returns the result of the value
TEXT Function in Excel
Text Function in Excel : Here, we will discuss about syntax and usage of TEXT function. Description: The TEXT Function in Excel is used to convert number into given text format. It returns text value, so it may not perform mathematical
IF Function in Excel
IF Function in Excel : In this excel tutorial we will learn about syntax, usage and nesting of IF function. Description: The IF function is the most popular function for a logical test in Excel worksheet. It compares two values
EXACT Function in Excel
Exact function in Excel : In this tutorial, we will learn about syntax and usage of the Exact function. Description : Exact function in excel is used to compare two strings (text) and returns TRUE if the string is same, otherwise
Range Object in Excel VBA

Range object in excel vba represents a cell or group of cells in excel worksheet. Most of time excel user working with cells in excel. Range Object accept single cell or multiple cell name as argument and refer excel worksheet cells
Copy and Paste Content From a sheet to Another sheet in Excel Macro
This Blog post show you how to copy and paste content from a sheet to another sheet in Excel Macro. This code is done by our student as assignment. public sub test() Dim i, k As Integer Set s1 =
Advance Excel Course in Delhi offers new batch for advance excel course in delhi. advance excel course includes most important function of excel, it covers pivot table, pivot chart, hlookup, vlookup and all important functions in this course. advance excel course focus on practical
Excel Macro Operators
Mathematical Operators in Excel Macro Operator Action Precedence (1=top; 5=bottom) ^ The power operator 1 * The multiplication operator 2 / The division operator 2 \ The integer division operator – this operator divides two numbers and returns the integer
Data Types in Excel Macro
This Blog Post explain you data types in excel macro. Whenever macro code accept input from user or when you assign value to a variable, you need to define type of data to be store in a variable. for example