Mathematical Operators in Excel Macro



Precedence (1=top; 5=bottom)

^ The power operator 1
* The multiplication operator 2
/ The division operator 2
\ The integer division operator – this operator divides two numbers and returns the integer result (eg. 7\4 gives a result of 1) 3
Mod The modulus operator – this operator divides two numbers and returns the remainder (eg. 8 Mod 3 gives a result of 2) 4
+ The addition operator 5
The subtraction operator 5

String Operators in Excel Macro



& The concatenate operator (eg. “A” & “B” gives the result “AB”)

VBA Comparison Operators in Excel Macro




= Equal To
<> Not Equal To
< Less Then
> Greater Then
<= Less Then Or Equal To
>= Greater Then Or Equal To

VBA Logical Operators in Excel Macro



And Logical Operator And (eg. the expression ‘A And B’ returns True if BOTH A AND B are true and returns False otherwise)
Or Logical Operator Or (eg. the expression ‘A Or B’ returns True if EITHER A OR B is true and returns False otherwise)
Not Negates an evaluation (eg. the expression ‘Not A’ returns True if A is false and returns False if A is true)
Excel Macro Operators

One thought on “Excel Macro Operators

  • October 10, 2014 at 2:30 pm

    Check Greater Number

    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    a = Range(“A1”).Value
    b = Range(“A2”).Value
    If a > b Then
    MsgBox “First Number is greater”
    MsgBox “Seconbd Number is greater”
    End If
    End Sub

    Check greater or equal

    Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
    Dim a, b As Integer
    a = Range(“B1”).Value
    b = Range(“B2”).Value
    If a > 0 Then
    MsgBox “first number is greater”
    ElseIf a 0 Then
    MsgBox “The value in cell is not negative”
    ElseIf a < 0 Then
    MsgBox "The value in the cell is negative"
    MsgBox "the value of cell is equal to 0"
    End If

    End Sub

    Check total scorre and grade for a student

    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h As Integer
    a = Range("B2").Value
    b = Range("c2").Value
    c = Range("d2").Value
    d = Range("e2").Value
    e = Range("f2").Value
    f = a + b + c + d + e
    g = f / 500 * 100
    Range("g2").Value = f
    Range("h2").Value = g
    If g <= 40 Then
    Range("i2").Value = "D"
    ElseIf g <= 60 Then
    Range("i2").Value = "C"
    ElseIf g <= 80 Then
    Range("i2").Value = "B"
    Range("i2").Value = "A"
    End If
    End Sub


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